Here is our second day with you 😍

💃 We started the day with energizer for catching the mood

📍 Participants explored and designed “Mind map of stress” they gained a better and concreted view about stress.

📋 Than participants calculated their own stress with a small quiez. In that point participants understood causes of stress, how much stress they are, what are common points with other participants.

After the launch 🍴

😟 Participants divided into groups and researced psychological problems which lead by the stress.

“Disturbed focus, insomnia,increased anxiety, anger problems”. Than participants represented their topics with other participants.

🎭 The last acitivity of the day, Participants divided into groups and discussed how stress can affect our relationships. For instance; family, among friends, at work, etc. Than participants according to they themes, they prepared a scenario and played that scenario.

Than participants evaluate the day with “Slido” Activity

☄ Wait us for the third day!!

#youthexchange #mentalhealth #youth #erasmusdays